If not, he says, "then the persuasive influence of the torture chamber will jog her memory."
The waiters had accepted, under the persuasive influence of five .38 revolvers.
Verbal persuasion is widely used because of the potentially persuasive influence of suggestion.
My dear man, you seem to think your uncle's persuasive influence is universal.
The compelling power of authority, the persuasive influence of kindness, affected powerfully a man just risen from a bed of sickness.
Dr. Phil's advice to parents on becoming the "best and most persuasive influence" in their children's lives.
The source of such persuasive influence eludes analysis, and, like the mystery of leadership, is probably more psychic than mental.
Our Party is still deeply cleft by the persuasive influence of a number of its members in the Legislative Council.
However, her rejection did not take into account her mother's persuasive influence.
Though customarily taciturn, Heverly chatted more than he realized, when under the persuasive influence of Cranston.