A multi-dimensional scaling based procedure for designing persuasive messages and measuring their effects.
Color also serves as an inferential cue that can prime both motor action and interpretation of a persuasive message.
But viewers absorbed some persuasive messages, balancing grim statistics with promises of solutions.
How, then, to set about constructing a persuasive message?
Similarly, a persuasive message that threatens self-image is much more likely to be rejected.
Your grandsire sent a very persuasive message to me, and they would very much like to see you, the young woman especially.
As a result, to determine whether or not the persuasive message is ethical, the speaker must understand how the audience characterizes the speaker's good character.
We're bombarded with persuasive messages on a nearly constant basis, sometimes by paid advertisers and other times by groups looking to forward their own interests.
Still, many advertising executives remain interested in bigger, more persuasive messages.
I tie persuasive messages to winged seeds, which are then liberated into the forest.