Scenarios are one of the most popular and persuasive methods used in the Futures Studies.
It had been my mother's persuasive method of telling me to grab Evelyn before she got away.
This was The Shadow's chance to demonstrate his own persuasive methods.
This took longer, but in the end Spike's persuasive methods prevailed.
A man who had persuasive methods; who dealt with the heads of big enterprises.
The spoken word is one of the most persuasive and common methods of communication, and remains so, despite the advent of television.
Deference, she said, might be a more persuasive method of dealing with accusations.
Stevenson called the primary such method "'persuasive,' in a somewhat broadened sense", and wrote:
Justifying this policy as a "safety of life at sea" issue, Cuba also agreed to use "persuasive methods" to discourage people from setting sail.
Cuba committed itself "to take effective measures in every way it possibly can to prevent unsafe departures, using mainly persuasive methods," the agreement states.