Additionally, Many colleges have student run organizations pertaining solely to table top gaming.
Its Canadian Committee oversees matters that pertain solely to Canadian NASPA members.
I don't know much about Bergenholms and a couple of other things pertaining solely to flight, and I don't knowanything about communicators or detectors, which aren't engineers' business.
In 1931, Joseph Stalin decided the issue of the debate between dialecticians and mechanists by publishing a decree which identified dialectical materialism as pertaining solely to Marxism-Leninism.
(b)(2) Applies to information which pertains solely to the internal rules and practices of the Agency.
It is managed as an easement and the federal jurisdiction pertains solely to species and habitat protection.
Women may mistakenly assume that research data pertaining solely to men may include them as well.
State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office said through a spokeswoman that it would not intercede, asserting that the ruling pertained solely to New York City.
This section pertains solely to primary erythromelalgia as the secondary form is too poorly understood.
Does the answer solely pertain to the substances that are bonded to one another?