My reprimand included the motto, 'There shall be no such thing as an indecipherable message', and contained a number of other pertinent comments.
There was more discussion, a few more pertinent comments and additions, but on the whole the real work of the meeting was over at that point.
Comments: any pertinent comments about the change or why the particular decision was reached.
Chris studied the maps and made pertinent comments.
Include the most pertinent comments where the student will be most likely to see them, such as on the first page.
A prominent African leader made a very pertinent comment.
I would refer him to Mrs Villiers' very pertinent comments which directly opposed his views.
The draft resolution contains a number of pertinent comments in that respect.
Mrs Martens from the Netherlands made a pertinent comment in this connection.
On behalf of the Commission, I would like to make a few pertinent comments.