The pertinent materials have served to highlight the library's holdings and animate the collections.
Pustaka Abhiyana, is about ensuring that each and every child has access to basic writing material pertinent for their education.
The judge also said that the merger could not be closed until the faculty council has investigated all pertinent material and reported back to the court.
Each organ system is organized into an individual block that integrates the pertinent material from each basic science discipline.
I've attached the pertinent materials to my response and highlighted the discrepancies for your ease of review.
"Hidden Truths," which first appeared in 1998 and has traveled widely since, is an accumulation of forensic material pertinent to the case.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the material as pertinent but hardly startling.
I will refresh my acquaintance with this very apt, very pertinent material.
In addition, questions are likely to arise about whether the Turks have turned over all pertinent material.
The collection primarily consists of books and bibliographic materials pertinent to the academic study of Japan.