It is difficult to tell how a single event changes pervasive attitudes.
In one of the new Mercedes television commercials, a woman puts down a pervasive 80's attitude.
"The New Jersey inferiority complex is a pervasive attitude," she said, "but not a treatment issue."
All of which, unfortunately, adds another dimension to the pervasive attitude toward men, creating a problem that was not unanticipated.
In a recent interview, she criticized the "very pervasive" attitude that "scientific error does not have to be corrected."
She said that the pervasive not-in-my-backyard attitude must be overcome.
In all these matters, there is a pervasive attitude: that to follow the law is to be weak in the face of terrorism.
I'm not saying there aren't blinkered attitudes around but they are lot less pervasive than down south.
Indeed, if there is one thing that defines the X Games, it's the pervasive attitude of the scene, which might best be described as stoke-seeking.
Schools can teach students about the consequences of plagiarism without the pervasive attitude of "zero tolerance."