"There is a pervasive feeling of camaraderie and the feeling that you're in a community," he said.
People who cannot be helped by medication are often forced to live with insomnia, fatigue and a pervasive feeling of despair.
Her most pervasive feeling, however, was one of awe.
Being happy just to be at the center had something to do with the pervasive good feelings.
The pervasive feeling of the music on Monday was chromatic, wan and stiff.
Nonetheless, there had been a pervasive feeling of time running out.
But there is a pervasive feeling in the city that the audience has not yet shuffled into the theater and begun to pay attention.
The report also described pervasive feelings of unease and fear.
There is a pervasive feeling that this improvement is needed.
For mill workers thinking about restaurant work and field hands seeking construction jobs, there is a pervasive feeling of slipping slowly into the history books.