At the same time, these technologies have provided opportunities for nefarious actors to undertake ever more pervasive forms of infringement.
It is the most common and pervasive form of social influence.
The two sides practiced different but equally pervasive forms of brutality.
It has been called a "pervasive form of divination" that "is found in all societies which regulate their days and nights in calendric systems."
The commercialization of childhood is a pervasive form of electronic child molestation.
Those cases suggest a pervasive, systemic form of corruption that does not seem to be at play in the Jefferson inquiry.
Blogging, too, has become a pervasive form of media.
"Advertising is the most pervasive form of propaganda in human history," says the scholar Mark Crispin Miller.
But very direct attacks on weak corporate financial performance, bypassing governance matters, are currently a more pervasive form of shareholder activism.
Violence motivated by hostility toward a person's sexual orientation was among the most pervasive forms.