The pervasive image of Russians as louts who bang their shoes on the table to express displeasure outlived Khrushchev in the Communist heyday.
Smiles are the most pervasive images in this exhibition of Greek and Etruscan art, and are among the best proof of the break with Egyptian formality.
A pervasive image at the shows was the peacock - the ultimate symbol of maleness.
For now, that remains the most vivid and pervasive image of Richard Nixon in the American mind.
Machines and buildings are two other pervasive images in the novel.
One result is that the pervasive image of "Chelsea's Bells" - a couple engaged in a strip tease that leaves a youth clutching his groin -lends itself to parody.
When he shook his head violently, the pervasive image blurred.
Other pervasive images are those of death, contrasting light and dark and the elation of speed which all contribute to the mysterious and obsessional setting the author creates.
Once again at Christmastime, the well fed guiltily confront pervasive images of starving Ethiopians.
It is the pervasive image of Rebus as the noble loner that wins the sympathy of readers.