The last thing she needed was to give in to some perverse attraction to her bodyguard--a man who already disliked her, and believed she was someone else's wife.
Was she afraid to be alone, or did Brad's room have a perverse attraction for her?
There's a perverse attraction for them to get close to where the action is now.
Far from dissuading potential riders, the accident seemed a perverse attraction for some people strolling the boardwalk in the 93-degree heat yesterday.
I drive one man away from me in terror while the other fights manfully to master his perverse attraction to me.
Carnelian has shown a perverse attraction to you too, Jaq.
She has a whim of iron, an almost perverse attraction to sentimentality in its most risible forms.
Few Earth people leave their Cities, but there are some with a perverse attraction for openness and isolation.
Caroline was horrified to find herself suddenly unmistakably attracted to the Prince d'Agrigente in a way quite different from the perverse attraction of the golden enemy, Blaise.
Baley thought, with a pang of mingled distaste and perverse attraction: It must be the dawn they talk about.