Giving aid only throws a line to the government, and prolongs starvation, surely a perverse outcome.
The Bush administration's continued failure to address the causes of global climate change will lead to more perverse outcomes in Alaska.
It does make for some slightly perverse outcomes.
"The laws create a perverse outcome," he says.
So yes, requiring a certain level of output has some perverse outcomes - but I think it's better than letting people coast.
It looks like it will be expensive and have some perverse outcomes.
Nothing much came of it, and forward policy had an invariably perverse outcome.
"Revenues flowing through incapable or corrupt structures will give you perverse outcomes," she said at the Washington conference.
In a perverse outcome, you are punishing the good waiters in the restaurant by not tipping the bad one.
This is the perverse outcome of the country's longstanding preference for sons, and its sudden modernisation.