On the printed page, Twain's pessimistic conclusion remains shattering today, but as brought to the stage in this adaptation it just seems part of a show.
He has the last word, a pessimistic conclusion.
That remark is usually followed by some pessimistic conclusion about human nature.
Hyndman drew the pessimistic conclusion that it was British power, rather than any kind of pacifism, which held the key to peace.
His beautiful and essential book, however, belies his own pessimistic conclusions.
But Todd also comes to a more pessimistic conclusion:
So how did the commission reach its pessimistic conclusion?
First, if the world is non-deterministic then anything on the lines of the doomsday argument may prove unable to deliver a strongly pessimistic conclusion.
White House officials asked the authors to consider other questions and evidence that might lead to less pessimistic conclusions, officials say.
My more serious caveat concerns the unduly pessimistic conclusion of the review.