Peter Murphy, a spokesman for the state Division of the Budget, called the Moody's report overly pessimistic.
Bove made a pessimistic report on the potential for Italian involvement in the Congo, stressing the difficulty of the climate.
Willingham conceded that his staff has been optimistic all week about Howard's availability, despite issuing pessimistic reports.
The pessimistic reports continued to flow in; no one seemed to think we could hold out, particularly the journalists I was hearing from.
The reports, so devastatingly pessimistic, must be exaggerations of actual fact.
Be sure to understand their needs and aspirations and counterbalance any pessimistic reports they may have received about the church's condition and the cost of repair.
The Journal commented that they thought the report overly pessimistic, assuming that "the little green men with the wiggly antennae" would be hostile.
Some may consider the Commission's report unduly pessimistic.
"Rigoletto," with its motifs of murder, revenge and betrayal, is a pessimistic report on the human condition.
Piles of pessimistic reports from stockbrokers suggest that Hollywood is set for a crash.