Can disease and pest resistance be increased?
When landscaping, practice xeriscaping by using plants native to your climate that require minimal watering and possess better pest resistance.
Many farmers like genetically engineered crops because they contain useful traits, like pest resistance.
I've added two new Oenotheras to my borders this year and chose them for their drought and pest resistance.
Still, scientists say that many important traits - bigger fruit, higher yield, disease and pest resistance - can often be found within the crop species itself.
Sometimes it takes several years of observation to witness a plant's performance in hardiness, disease and pest resistance.
This grass is commonly crossed with its relative, wheat, in order to give the wheat traits such as stress tolerance and pest resistance.
Farmers were offered higher crop yields and better pest resistance, but there was no clear benefit for those who ate the food.
Ten years of research have resulted in a variety with increased yield and pest resistance, and new seed banks.
These size differences affect maturation, transpiration, nutrition, pest resistance, and many other aspects of tree biology.