Foods also need to be judged with regards to pesticide contamination.
It says that independent testing of well water throughout the district has revealed severe pesticide contamination.
In early studies, these were used by scientists to measure pesticide contamination of wild species.
The suit said the chains were told they would be linked to child abuse, pesticide contamination and sexual harassment.
Iowa researchers discovered more than 400 public water systems to have pesticide contamination in the drinking water.
They also say produce from farmers' markets has less pesticide contamination because the crops do not have to travel far.
Experts have described it as the worst case to date of pesticide contamination in Britain.
They are also demanding amendments intended to help prevent pesticide contamination of underground water.
It was closed near the end of the 1980s or early 1990s due to pesticide contamination from its years as a base for crop dusting.
Due to zero electricity usage, this technology is likely to be of use to rural populations affected by pesticide contamination.