Also, he had a pet bear named Chika.
In one of the outhouses he kept a pet bear sent to him by a friend.
While in the woods the pair encountered the sorcerer Sebastian Faust and his pet bear.
She took his arm and regaled him with an amusing tale about Rollo, Hanzi's puppy like pet bear.
Viktor calls his pet penguin Misha, a name usually reserved in that part of the world for one's pet bear.
She wondered what the difference would be between having Jaim Grymauch or a pet bear living with her.
I sometimes think that living with Jaim is like having a pet bear.
He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he kept a pet bear.
Other regular characters included Mr. Black, a pet bear, known as l'Ours in French.
She was the one who tied bells to the pet bear, showed us tricks with magnets, and baked ginger cookies.