He has a pet parakeet named "Inko-chan" ("inko" literally means "parakeet" in Japanese).
Then a pattern of self-destructive behavior began that culminated in her throwing tantrums, killing her pet parakeet, and on one occasion running around naked on the roof.
The cat runs afoul of the girl's mother (Candy Clark), who believes he will harm their pet parakeet.
Next thing, everybody will be sending us their pet parakeets.
She stretched, she ran, she ate less than her pet parakeet.
You are five times more likely to contract lung cancer from your pet parakeet than you are from secondary smoke.
In "Hal Coaches", Piama was fed up with the way Lavernia was treating Francis and stole her pet parakeet until she treated him better.
Takayanagi's nickname 'Churi' comes from the sound that her pet parakeets make.
The film's sexual episodes tend to be terribly cute, with items like meat loaf and gold shoes and a pet parakeet dragged unhelpfully into the conversation.
She kills her sister's pet parakeet and serves it to her for dinner, thereafter keeping her as a virtual prisoner in her room.