This cartoon follows two ducks and a pet robot at an amusement park in the future where time travel is exploited.
Daniel won for his Robopet, a cone-shaped remote-controlled pet robot that wheels around and talks.
Hrepcshak swings a mechanical ball, a pet robot that Zala built for his fiancée on the show.
Has Starfleet sent you and your pet robot to blow us to pieces?
"Find out any more about your pet robot?"
His pet robot jumped off a chair and scuttled along behind.
(Ages 4 and up) Our young hero would like a pet robot to do all those things he doesn't like to do.
Friday: Chilly's pet robot, the token "cute animal thing" for the story.
"It's a pity you didn't think of your little girl's health before you deprived her of her pet robot," he muttered - but to himself.
She's a member of the Botties and her pet robot, Dondon, has been her best friend since she was 6 years old.