The petitions included a "personal gift form" that allowed for $100 and $200 contributions.
The petition includes a pledge to hold them "accountable for any further bloodshed".
Each petition for executive clemency should include the information required in the form prescribed by the Attorney General.
If an environmental impact statement is not required, petitions should include a statement to that effect.
The petition to incorporate must include the signature of at least one-third of those people.
The exact number cannot be ascertained, but a petition they sent to the governor included 378 names.
The petitions and proposals often included a request to issue paper currency.
Schwarzenegger came under fire after the initial petition did not include spousal support and a reimbursement of attorney's fees.
The petitions included forgeries or used the names of dead people, the officials said.
The petition included signed statements from the casino's security and surveillance directors.