Tamgaly is a petroglyph site in the Semirechye, Kazakhstan.
Legend Rock is an important petroglyph site which features hundreds of individual petroglyphs spread across the face of the rock.
The petroglyph site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The petroglyph sites are much more plentiful than the rock painting sites.
Although he retired in 1981, he continued to work actively as late as 1996, both visiting petroglyph sites and publishing new writings.
The fenced petroglyph site is an easy half-mile walk from the parking lot.
There are over 50 petroglyph sites and thousands of works.
The cave is an 8,000 year old American Indian petroglyph site considered to have the largest concentration of rock engravings in western Oregon.
The petroglyph site was discovered in 1933 by a French researcher named Buisson.
Maui has several petroglyph sites that have been variously interpreted as ancestral voyages, historic events, and religious stories.