Richard A. Fineberg is a freelance investigative journalist specializing in issues related to petroleum development.
Global petroleum development had slowed to a relative standstill as energy companies faced record low oil prices.
Richard A. Fineberg is an investigative journalist living in Ester who specializes in petroleum development and environment-related issues.
The money from petroleum development will swell significantly in coming years as billions of dollars of investments come on line.
In most of the others, the petroleum development preceded the creation of the refuge, or private companies already owned the mineral rights in the refuge.
To begin with he covered petroleum development in the North Sea.
Citizens' advisory councils modeled on those in Alaska's Prince William Sound might be a good forum to address the economic and environmental impact of petroleum development.
This was a clear indication of the value to their economies of greater petroleum development in an energy-dependent world.
It recognizes contributions of applications of engineering practices in petroleum development and recovery.
Heavy crude oils provide an interesting situation for the economics of petroleum development.