Mexico has at least $50 billion in American investments, $156 billion a year in bilateral trade and a critical petroleum supply.
"It could become unstoppable, wreaking havoc on the nation's petroleum supply."
In 2005 the group predicted that "petroleum supplies will be expanding faster than demand over the next five years."
Navarik Corp. is a software service provider to the petroleum supply and trading industry.
Such overviews, however, seldom emphasize the problem's relationship to petroleum supply.
Two wisps of bad news about petroleum supplies helped push up prices yesterday.
Is the potential control of nearly half the world's petroleum supply by a ruthless dictator a legitimate matter of national interest and international order?
Nuclear energy is gaining support with governments around the world amid high oil and natural gas prices, tight petroleum supplies and growing demand for electricity.
The major industrial centers of the world were forced to contend with escalating issues related to petroleum supply.
What would have happened to the European Union if we had not thought - with the Karlsson report - of securing petroleum supply?