Laura smiled at the petulant face before her.
He looked around the table at the petulant faces of their host's family.
The petulant adolescent face of the Sun-on-Earth turned to the wall.
However, reflected Archelaus as he sat watching the strong yet petulant face only feet away, a man really had no choice in the matter.
He was sixtyish with a red, rather petulant face and bright, bitter blue eyes.
"puffy petulant face" is the offices faces from the excessive eating and drinking.
Without the beard he would have had a round, almost petulant face ... I think.
Stan made a petulant face, wiped it with his hand like a clown, and smiled sunnily.
Durell touched Irene's arm, and the girl turned a sullen, petulant face toward him.
Ngen's petulant face formed on the sooty monitor.