The Indians who consume peyote buttons do not seem to be physically or morally degraded by the habit.
Then he was arrested in Texas for buying 500 pounds of peyote buttons, but beat that charge on a technicality, he said.
Gordon had purchased some fresh peyote buttons from a mailorder operation in Laredo, Texas.
They fled California last year for the rural British Columbia town of Sechelt after the police found 265 marijuana plants, a mushroom stem and some peyote buttons in their house.
Two weeks before, on August 4th, don Juan, as he had said, changed his tactics with me and allowed me to ingest some peyote buttons.
Some of the prescriptions would be for clearly recreational drugs, such as peyote buttons, that would not be available in a pharmacy.
The sack of peyote buttons beneath Delores's head was singing her awake, as it did each morning.
Delores ate seven peyote buttons, after cutting away their poisonous tufts.
There was also a bar on East Sixth Street where Mr. Stone used to buy peyote buttons imported from a cactus ranch in Texas.
I said to her that don Juan had told me that Mescalito was a deity, or force contained in the peyote buttons.