Reported to be the site of phantom lights, the sound of footsteps, and other unexplained noises.
From beneath the canopy a diminutive figure emerged, trailing a phantom light.
Plumes of phantom light still floated on blackness in her eyes.
Still the phantom lights pulsed behind his eyelids.
My head whiplashed against it a moment later, complete with a burst of phantom light and very real pain.
She fights using long, black needles, and also possesses some phantom light (equivalent to magic) power, limited only to teleportation.
Suzanne Halpin, a spokeswoman for the utility, said the company may have come up with an explanation for the phantom light.
Or look out through the pongee curtains on the distant phantom lights of downtown.
Her eyes were the same green as the phantom lights that formed rings in the waves at night.
It gave him a headache and created phantom lights and colours.