"The pharmaceutical lobby has taken deceptive advertising to new heights," said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, a liberal advocacy group.
Because with K Street the insults to democracy just keep mounting: the mass exodus to the pharmaceutical lobby of the people who wrote the prescription drug benefit, for example.
Critics of the pharmaceutical lobby argue that the drug industry's influence allows it to promote legislation friendly to drug manufacturers at the expense of patients.
Advocates of cheap drugs say the Bush administration has yielded to pressure from the pharmaceutical lobby to find ways to reject the generics.
The United States, however, has yet to ratify the accord, in part because of lobbying in Congress by the pharmaceutical lobby.
According to the OpenSecrets.org server, Burr was the top recipient of money from the pharmaceutical lobby in 2009-10.
Given the power of the pharmaceutical lobby, advocates of these proposals acknowledge that passing any legislation will not be easy.
Assemblyman Dario J. Frommer, a Democrat who sponsored the main measure, said the veto demonstrated the power of the pharmaceutical lobby and its campaign contributions.
Let us at least set our solidarity with the developing world against the pharmaceutical lobbies.
There is no lobby in Washington as large, as powerful or as well-financed as the pharmaceutical lobby.