These have been used since antiquity for their pharmacological effects.
These have been repeatedly examined for their composition, variability, and possible pharmacological effects.
This in turn may lead to a need for increasing doses of the drug to get the original desired pharmacological or therapeutic effect.
While it does affect the pharmacokinetics of 1-methylxanthine and 1-methyluric acid, these do not have any pharmacological effects.
Psychoactive drugs are divided into different groups according to their pharmacological effects.
The pharmacological effects are determined by the nature of opioid-receptor interaction.
However, this is a pharmacological effect, not a physiological one.
The main pharmacological effects of digoxin are on the heart.
The other is the direct pharmacological effects of the essential oils.
An additional factor is how long it takes a drug to be released in the body to exert its pharmacological effect.