In 1835 he relocated to Stolberg, where along with a medical practice, he conducted pharmacological and toxicological research.
It is primarily used in pharmacological research.
Natural toxins are used in pharmacological research to find out their mechanism of action, and if it could be exploited for beneficial purposes.
With Otto Loewi (1873-1961), he performed pharmacological research of cocaine.
It was established in 1953 by Paul Janssen with the aim of conducting pharmacological research.
If much of that time was devoted to reviewing papers on pharmacological research, it must have been spent in a state of near-apoplexy.
It had to be worth a try, if only because, during the past few years, conventional pharmacological research had come up with very little that was new.
New approaches to therapy, pharmacological research and some prosthetic devices are all promising.
It is commonly used as a measure of antagonist drug potency in pharmacological research.
In addition to participating in medical education, he also contributed in pharmacological and toxicological research.