A series of recent pharmacological studies have provided a rationale for the effects at the molecular level.
Pharmacological studies of the seeds and bark have been ongoing since the 1990s.
Previous pharmacological and animal studies had shown lavender oil to have a light sedative effect.
Pharmacological studies also indicate that these two forms of complementary therapy act through different pathways.
Pharmacological studies indicate possible action of extracts of the plant on several medical conditions.
It is universally used to calculate a antagonist drug potency in pharmacological study.
Pharmacological studies point to alterations in dopamine function and the endocannabinoid system.
It has potential applications in general metabolic studies, pharmacological studies and pharmacokinetics.
Experimental pharmacological study of three species from genus Salvia.
Some ethnographic and pharmacological studies have suggested a possible medicinal value in particular foods consumed by the western gorilla.