Mr. Jackson said the phased changed was part of a "deliberately planned, incremental improvement process."
Transition is a phased process; Afghan security forces are gradually taking the lead in districts and provinces as their capability improves.
Mr. Rabin, facing deep Israeli skepticism over security and approaching an election campaign against the more hawkish Likud bloc, has opted for a phased process.
So we would essentially be talking about a phased process the more we consider.
Divestment follows a phased process that starts with attempted dialog and shareholder resolutions and ultimately the total sale of and future ban on the church's holdings in a company.
The rules of the game start changing Wednesday in a phased, three-year process called the Big Bang.
Tagliabue also said the league is continuing to examine additional expansion, and would consider a phased process of one team in 1999 and another after that.
Training will be part of a phased process has new procedures are refined and created.
They advocate a phased process, to culminate in a plebiscite.
The redevelopment of the Art Gallery & Museum has been a phased process.