Since falling sharply earlier this year in a late winter selloff, the market has climbed with phenomenal strength.
His hands returned to Jake's shoulders, and although his grip was not tight, Jake could feel the phenomenal strength there.
Despite his bulk, and his phenomenal strength, he never developed the compensating skills that often come after a blinding.
"He is genetically built for it with phenomenal natural strength and good tendons and ligaments."
Well, that 128 bits is phenomenal strength, given that the bits of the key are chosen randomly.
He has a straight back and huge arms that betray a phenomenal strength.
A group of gargantuan dinosaurs of phenomenal strength and power often seen in groups.
We often hear about the phenomenal strength of Coke's brand, how the words "Coca-Cola" are recognized around the world.
She was a loving, unselfish person with phenomenal strength.
Known for bad tempers and phenomenal physical strength.