The distinction of natural and manmade offers us the first step in the phenomenological approach.
This model is also of a phenomenological approach.
Thirdly, the phenomenological approach can easily convey relativism.
The second study used a phenomenological, qualitative approach to explore the experience of the people using mental imagery to alleviate their asthma.
Steiner was also strongly influenced by Goethe's phenomenological approach to science.
Process study is the phenomenological approach used in climatology.
Of course the phenomenological approach has been with us for a long time, and has been the primary source of evidence in the psychoanalytic tradition.
Waldorf schools' science teaching is influenced by Goethe's phenomenological approach, treating nature as a meaningful whole from which human beings are not alienated.
They can be explained using a simple phenomenological approach (see intermolecular force), or using a quantum mechanical approach.
The phenomenological approach is a parameterization of the nuclear potential by an appropriate mathematical function.