The threat of receiving a going-concern modification may send management to another auditor, in a phenomenon referred to as "opinion shopping."
Various theories have been presented as to what this phenomenon refers to, since stars do not visibly move and therefore cannot be followed.
The male phenomenon refers to the fact that a large majority of juvenile delinquents are men, or boys.
He soon noticed the phenomenon referred to as hardpan (the creation of a water resistant soil layer).
Such events - along with political conflicts and other major disruptions - can cause a phenomenon sometimes referred to as livelihood shock.
This created a phenomenon often referred to as DLL hell.
In popular usage, a phenomenon often refers to an extraordinary event.
Multitudes are entering middle age, but the generation following them into adulthood is substantially smaller, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the birth dearth.
Electrokinetic phenomena refers to a variety of effects resulting from an electrical double layer.