There are fears that this marketing approach could co-opt nonprofit institutions and dilute corporations' traditional philanthropic commitment.
In his on-going mission to effect qualitative change in society, his philanthropic commitments have helped improve the lives of thousands.
He added that Federated said it would honor May's philanthropic commitments in the city.
His kindness and philanthropic commitment to friends and the community will be irreplaceable.
The stock's decline has been especially hard for Mr. Turner because of his enormous philanthropic commitments.
He embraced philanthropic commitment to the Jewish community and was especially devoted to Israel.
The prosecution charged that some of the money stolen from his clients was used to meet his public philanthropic commitments.
He will be remembered for his lifelong devotion and philanthropic commitment to Mount Sinai.
Your generous spirit, sense of humor, philanthropic commitment and keen understanding of people will be a guide for them always.
The drop in the stock's value has begun to limit some of Mr. Turner's many philanthropic commitments.