Wade is well known for his philanthropic involvement in various organizations.
Tom Gregory's philanthropic involvement also spans both coasts.
His leadership, compassion and philanthropic involvement set the highest standard for all of us.
Hochberg has been dedicated to community service and philanthropic involvement in civil rights, education and the arts.
Judge Branca's philanthropic involvement was legendary.
A proud Sephardic Jew whose philanthropic involvement reached every corner of our community, he labored indefatigably in the vineyard of our people.
A very proud Jew, his philanthropic involvement reached every corner of our community.
He directed his philanthropic involvement toward education, and endowed a fund in his wife's name at Southern Methodist University to provide scholarships for drama students.
A proud Sephardic Jew whose philanthropic involvement reached every corner of our community, especially his family.
At present, a research project is underway by The Rothschild Archive in London to document the family's philanthropic involvements.