A prominent, civic, philanthropic leader, instrumental in saving our City and was always ready and willing to support members of our industry.
He plans to spend the next six days meeting with international political, business and philanthropic leaders throughout the country.
Their caring, commitment and compassion for those in need have made them true philanthropic leaders.
But now we have the mayor, Mr. Spitzer and the private philanthropic leaders all moving to play a coordinating role.
He was a great philanthropic leader who devoted his time and energy in making this world a better place for all its inhabitants.
He was a tireless philanthropic leader, whose efforts touched the lives of countless individuals.
Donations to projects and causes have routinely topped half a billion dollars a year, philanthropic leaders say.
It was established by media, entertainment, and philanthropic leaders who were diagnosed with cancer.
Now a series of scandals has left philanthropic leaders wondering if they are facing a crisis of accountability.
He also said the campaign was backed by more than 300 New York groups representing "top-level faith, community, corporate, philanthropic and youth leaders."