Both last and least were businessmen, whom the Chinese philosopher considered exploiters of other people.
As he falls, the philosopher considers why there should be a particular word for the experience, when many equally simple concepts don't have specific names.
In any case, few philosophers really consider Nietzsche an "individualist" thinker.
Some philosophers consider metaphilosophy to be a subject apart from philosophy, above or beyond it, while others object to that idea.
Indeed, many political philosophers have considered this to be one of the primary roles of government.
For this reason, many social philosophers have considered coercion as the polar opposite to freedom.
A political philosopher considers where two powerful historical forces are now leading us.
At the present time many scientists and philosophers consider the arguments for an important role of quantum phenomena to be unconvincing.
Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being.
These philosophers considered the atom to be indestructible and hence eternal.