Many philosophers, then, have held that these scenarios are logically possible but nomologically impossible (impossible under the actual laws of nature).
French philosopher, Voltaire, in his works, held in very high consideration the hero from Albania.
Hence their philosophers held that a small city was the largest possible democratic state...
Our philosophers mostly hold that we live in beauty all the days of our lives, as no human does.
The philosophers held that nature was composed of four fundamental elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
Well, whether in consequence of the gold, as the alchemical philosophers would have held, or not, the trout of the Glengaber burn were good.
Some philosophers hold that emergent properties causally interact with more fundamental levels, an idea known as downward causation.
There is debate about whether these are "real" lies, and different philosophers hold different views (see below).
Some philosophers hold that context-dependence may lead to relativism; nevertheless, contextualist views are increasingly popular within philosophy.
They are always a long way off; indeed, the best philosophers hold that there is no such thing as an end.