Democratic Marxism is introducing these philosophic principles into a democratic system of government.
I'm afraid the only philosophic principle he understands is "forward-march!"
As for leaves, the philosophic principles of organic gardening blend well with my predisposition toward sloth, and I've always been content to let decay happen and feed my shrubs in the bargain.
The war, he said, caused him to jettison whatever philosophic principles he had relied on.
He quickly became known around the school because of his aptitude and interest in the sciences combined with his obsession over the "new philosophic principles" and dislike for conventional theology.
Such perception of risk is thus "a product of religious belief, philosophic principles, scientific understanding, technological capabilities, and even economical resourcefulness."
Another philosophic principle that would become part of business theory and practice is rationality.
Our vision for the future is that through education, men and women will understand the moral, philosophic and economic principles that undergird a free society.
When we have a chance, we must discuss Testro's philosophic principles.
The philosophic principle that individuality is relation, "that the very self of a thing is its relations, its having-to-do-with other things," is in this poem.