The artist's digital neo-surrealistic artworks are an extraordinary visual record of his conceptual thoughts, philosophic views, fantasies, and dreams.
This can lead a practitioner to believe that one's school has the best approach or highest philosophic view and that other lineages have a lower or flawed understanding.
And Nana, who was by way of being wide-minded, had accepted the philosophic view that you never can tell where your tastes will lead you and had forgiven her.
So Accorsi sat in the Eagles' chilly press box yesterday afternoon, alternating between a philosophic view of a disappointing season and the bottom-line pragmatism of a general manager.
Tirza also has a philosophic view of the barrier.
Perhaps this is a reflection of his own philosophic view of fate as capricious and untrustworthy.
Edgar, rapidly growing in heroic stature, identifies himself and offers some philosophic views on this outcome.
Formative epistemology is a collection of philosophic views concerned with the theory of knowledge that emphasize the role of natural scientific methods.
Abraham ben David is particularly severe on the attempts of Maimonides to smuggle in his philosophic views under cover of Talmudic passages.
The philosophic view: Dung happens.