In Chapter- VII, Jaina philosophy has been briefly brought to the philosophical disquisition.
The office of philosophical disquisition consists in just distinction; while it is the privilege of the philosopher to preserve himself constantly aware, that distinction is not division.
With disquisitions, moral, philosophical, and historical, on all the existing orders of society.
It has depth and complexity, expressing theology, mythology and how they confuse each other to this day; it encourages reflection and perhaps a metaphysical concept along with other philosophical disquisitions.
At one point, an innocent enquiry about cooking prompts a philosophical disquisition on the existence of the divine.
The Interest van Holland was not a philosophical disquisition, but a recipe book for political and economic success.
These aggadic explanations could be philosophical or mystical disquisitions concerning angels, demons, paradise, hell, the messiah, Satan, feasts and fasts, parables, legends, satirical assaults on those who practice idolatry, etc.
P.S.--I cannot resist the temptation to toss in this most savory thing of all--this easy, graceful, philosophical disquisition, with his happy, chirping confidence.
His commentary on Job is found in several European libraries; it is not a commentary in an exegetical or historical sense, but is full of philosophical disquisitions upon the Biblical theodicy.
The episode of Croesus' interview with Solon reported by Herodotus is in the nature of a philosophical disquisition on the subject "Which man is happy?"