Since 1984 it has published over 1,300 articles and reviews focused on the philosophical examination of religion and Christian faith.
What is new is the purposefulness, the self-consciousness, the philosophical examination with which one culture's ingredients and techniques are being incorporated into another's.
Here there is a philosophical examination as to why ethical standards are important and relevant to the individual.
He wrote a careful, systematic, philosophical examination of war in all its aspects.
Teaching Ethics is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the philosophical examination of ethical issues in all disciplines.
The topic of free will is the philosophical and scientific examination of this conundrum.
Some of his works are interesting philosophical examinations of natural phenomena, especially those observable in outer space.
The museum also includes a philosophical examination of human rights.
Nor is all pop culture fit for philosophical examination, he said.
A convergence of circumstances led to my having my knowledge of concrete things quite extensively developed before I came to philosophical examination at all.