Its main thesis is that science and religion only appear in conflict because many have "conflated science with philosophical materialism."
He was one of the key founders of philosophical materialism.
Gustavo Bueno is the main proponent of the philosophical system known as philosophical materialism.
He has stated that these interpretations are "totally wrong", and likens them to philosophical materialism.
"He is carrying philosophical materialism to an exquisite, penultimate point," Ram Dass says about the Leary cryogenic scheme.
The critique of philosophical materialism.
A critique of philosophical materialism.
In his view philosophical materialism resulted from a lack of critical thought, and could not be said to oppose religious dogma and superstition.
The machines, the medicines, the mathematics seem characteristic of that age of philosophical materialism.
The novel's hero, named Rakhmetov, became an emblem of the philosophical materialism and nobility of Russian radicalism.