According to platonists (philosophical realism), the truth of a statement consists in its correspondence to Objectivity (philosophy) reality.
Physics up to the 19th century was always implicitly and sometimes explicitly taken to be based on philosophical realism.
One major change due to theology being now directed by philosophical aims was the renewed debate between Nominalism, philosophical realism (see the Problem of universals).
The former position has been called philosophical realism, and the latter nominalism.
This is in contrast to metaphysical objectivism and philosophical realism, which assert that there is an underlying 'objective' reality which is perceived in different ways.
In metaphysics, Rand supported philosophical realism, and opposed anything she regarded as mysticism or supernaturalism, including all forms of religion.
The principle of truth-value links is a concept in metaphysics discussed in debates between philosophical realism and anti-realism.
His nominalism was so much opposed to the contemporary philosophical realism that the third period of Scholasticism is made to begin with him.
Instrumentalism avoids the debate between anti-realism and philosophical or scientific realism.
The argument from beauty in science and mathematics is an argument for philosophical realism against nominalism.