Coming out of Vancouver's 1970s photoconceptual tradition, Rodney Graham's work is often informed by historical literary, musical, philosophical and popular references.
Macdonald's videos, drawings and sculptures are informed by philosophical, musical, literary and popular references.
Many of the place names, such as the Isought Gap, are philosophical references.
(standard philosophical references for de se that discuss Lingens' predicament)
It presents a distillation of the scientific research on this disorder, the philosophical and literary references, as well as current treatment options.
An austerity program of the sensibilities is one thing; playing dumb amid classical philosophical references is quite another.
On the other side, his writings are always very reflective and filled with philosophical and cultural references.
His books (cf. especially his text Cosmology) illustrated points of physics or cosmology with many literary, philosophical, and historical references.
It is, however, loaded with social, political, literary and philosophical references that will go sailing over the heads of most Americans.
Paintings dated after 1987 mix art history with religious, philosophical or spiritual references, where the subject is revealed through a number of works.