In the philosophical terminology of Martin Heidegger, dwelling precedes building.
"it reveals a world open to the trans-human, a world that, in our philosophical terminology, we should call transcendental."
Over the years the philosophical terminology of "management" and "leadership" have, in the organizational context, been used both as synonyms and with clearly differentiated meanings.
At the time (and ever since), she did not understand the philosophical terminology.
Petrycy made major contributions to nascent Polish philosophical terminology.
His main work is infused with philosophical terminology of Buddhism, and uses Buddhist arguments and analogies.
In philosophical terminology, abstraction is the thought process wherein ideas are distanced from objects.
In philosophical terminology, such arguments are about the epistemology of the ontology of God.
However, his scholarly works draw heavily on philosophical and psychological terminology.
There is an old, respectable philosophical terminology: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.