He would eventually introduce Greek philosophy to the Romans and create a philosophical vocabulary for it in Latin.
He was young, younger than you, even, and his philosophical vocabulary was fairly primitive, but in this poem he tried to articulate the stages by which we approach fusion with the universe.
In the middle of the 17th century Romanian acquires the status of liturgical language alongside Greek and Slavonic, and begins to develop a philosophical vocabulary.
This, then, is the widest word in the philosophical vocabulary.
Al-Shahrastani's own beliefs are difficult to categorise because he juggled many different philosophical and theological vocabularies.
He introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary, distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.
While his father does not use the same philosophical vocabulary, Mr. Patrick said with a smile, "I'd say he's a relatively conservative man."
Expanding on the philosophical vocabulary introduced by Nishida.
Cardano argued for the view that soul or anima was a fundamental part of the world and Patrizi introduced the actual term "panpsychism" into the philosophical vocabulary.
In his article The Conquest of Subjectivism, Paul Linke pointed out that it was Rehmke who first banned the words, 'subjective,' 'objective,' 'immanent,' and 'transcendent,' from his philosophical vocabulary.