According to 2005 estimates, it had over 100,000 internet and phone subscribers.
A short animated Christmas special was, however, made available to mobile phone subscribers.
As of 2008, there are about 67.9 million cellular phone subscribers in the Philippines.
In February 2010, there were 6 billion mobile phone subscribers, a number that is expected to grow.
There are 91 million mobile phone subscribers, and 85 percent of them say they occasionally talk on their phones while driving.
While it continues to lose traditional phone subscribers, the rate of decline is slowing.
It has 600,000 mobile phone subscribers and business is booming.
But 300 out of the city's 700 phone subscribers participated.
Still, the cable unit had 372,000 digital phone subscribers at the end of the quarter, up from 152,000 last year.
There are 172 million mobile phone subscribers in America, or 59 percent of the population.