Since this is a new trend there is no standardisation of phonetic and spelling rules.
The vocabulary comprises some 353 words, with pronunciation following the phonetic rules of the Spanish language.
The French transliterated the word according to their own phonetic rules and arrived at "Iroquois".
"On dating changes in the phonetic rules of Korean."
Note stōjan changes to stauida in the past in accordance with general phonetic rules.
They are also taught the phonetic rules and generalizations of the English language.
These are among the phonetic (automatic) rules listed below.
Ideophones, being very emotional in nature, tend to not follow the phonetic rules of the language and may be pronounced in peculiar ways.
For several finalists on Thursday, it was the phonetic rules of other languages that stumped them.
Nevertheless, not all languages have such convenient phonetic rules, and even those that do present the occasional exceptions.